General Body Meetings
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GBMs are held the last Monday of the Month from July – April, with the exception of December. Meetings typically consist of updates on new or continuing projects, class and committee reports, student organization updates and funding, and administrative updates.
Meetings are open to all students, and all students are encouraged to attend. Information from the meetings is disseminated through the class boards; however, attending in person provides students an opportunity to ask questions and provide commentary.
Voting is restricted to the twenty-four voting members: the eight CMSC executive board members (President, Vice-President of Student Life, Vice-President of Communications, Vice-President of Curriculum, Head Alumni Representative, Treasurer, Secretary, and 1 appointed position vote) and the President, 2 Vice-Presidents, and Treasurer of each Class Board.
Important Notes:
- Attendance is mandatory for voting members or their Proxy from the Class Board.
- Student Organization attendance at meetings is MANDATORY to maintain affiliation and funding eligibility.
- Attending at least one meeting is required to be eligible to run for the CMSC Executive Board for the following year.
- Attendance at 50% or more of the meetings is required to be eligible to vote for the CMSC Executive Board for the following year.