Report Mistreatment

We all know that the world isn’t perfect, but unfortunately, that sometimes means that we as students aren’t treated properly during our time at UIC. The college is committed to eliminating mistreatment of its students, but to that end, we as students have to report when we see mistreatment or are ourselves treated unfairly.

There are numerous ways to file a report currently. Along with SCB reps, Course Directors, and OSA Advisors, there is a Director of Medical Student Learning Environment, Dr. Tim Lacy. He can be reached directly through his email or students can use the online reporting form below.

Student Mistreatment Reporting form

With this form, students can report any kind of mistreatment that they experience or witness at the hands of faculty, residents, attendings, or even fellow students. If you are unsure what constitutes mistreatment, or simply have questions about any aspect of the process, you can:

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Directly contact Tim Lacy at