- Submit fully completed RFF 10 business days before the event date to the CMSC Treasurer, Jordan Pruce ( Please refer to the sample RFF linked below for assistance.
- Include reason for why event should receive funding in “Event Description”
- Receipts should be submitted no longer than 48 hours after day of event to Diana Jones ( and the CMSC treasurer, Jordan Pruce ( – add the tip to the receipt that was included in the RFF, sign & send a picture within 48 hours of the event. Feel free to reach out to the general email if no response:
- Only vendors from the approved list (below) will be considered for a funding request.
- Include detailed location of event with address (a room number is not enough for the delivery driver; CMWT address is 1853 W. Polk St Chicago, IL 60612)
For ALL CMSC-affiliated organizations Heading link
Current Student Organization Event Funding Budget
Event Request for Funds Forms (RFFs) are fulfilled on a first-come, first-serve basis, with a maximum cap of $140 (including any fees and tip) per event. There is no limit on the number of Event RFFs any org can submit. Granting these requests is at the discretion of the CMSC Treasurer. Requests must be filled out and submitted to CMSC Treasurer at a minimum of 10 days prior to the day the funds are needed.
CMSC Treasurer 2024-25: Jordan Pruce (
Relevant Forms
Event RFF (requires UIC Google Sign-In)
Last Updated: Fall 2024
The form you must fill out to request funding for an event. This will change every academic year, so make sure you access the most recent version above. Note that certain fields have been pre-populated — don’t change any of that information! Email completed form to the CMSC Treasurer.
Here is an EXAMPLE of a completed RFF form. Please make sure to fill out the required fields completely and accurately.
Approved Vendors List (requires UIC Google Sign-In)
Last Updated: Fall 2024
This is the list of approved vendors that each student organization can purchase items from.
Funding Guide (requires UIC Google Sign-In)
Last Updated: Fall 2024
This document outlines the overall process of submitting an Event RFF (with flowchart) and showcases a sample filled-out RFF. For step-by-step instructions on ordering food for an event, refer to the Event Order Checklist (below).
Event Order Checklist (requires UIC Google Sign-In)
Last Updated: Fall 2024
This document provides step-by-step instructions on ordering food for an event, from start to finish. For a sample filled-out RFF and overall process flowchart, refer to the Funding Guide (above).
Equipment/Supply Order Policy & Checklist (requires UIC Google Sign-In)
Last Updated: Fall 2024
This document provides the policy for ordering equipment/supplies, as well as step-by-step instructions for an organization’s treasurer to follow.
Only for organizations registered with CSI Heading link
If your organization is registered with Center for Student Involvement (CSI), you can apply for these additional sources of funding:
- Student Activities Funding Committee (SAFC)
- Student Organization Funding Allocation Board (SOFAB)
Of note, these funds cannot be used for food, and other exclusions may apply. Please see the website for additional details on requirements and how to apply.
Chicago Organization Fund (COF)
Every organization registered with CSI also has access to a COF bank account. Please complete this form for any inquires about your student organization COF account (account/fund number, balance, etc.).
Note: ONLY the President, Vice President, and Treasurer may request for COF account/fund number and balance.
Further information on how to utilize your COF can be found on the “Manage Org Money” page of the CSI website.