Health Professions Student Council Heading link
The UIC Health Professions Student Council (HPSC) is a liaison organization between the individual health professions students, student groups, and the university at large. It appoints students to university and campus-wide committees to represent the interest of the health professional student body. Additionally, it funds the individual health professional student councils and provide additional funding to students for travel and interdisciplinary projects.
Have an issue, question, or event you want sent to the HPSC and the representatives of other the HP Schools?
Email the HPSC Reps for assistance.
More information about HPSC can be found here.
HPSC Grants Heading link
Every semester, a portion of each student’s activities fee is given to HPSC to use toward programs and grants that benefit health professions students. HPSC distributes these funds to each health professional student council and the remaining money is used for various student programming and grants. Money that remains unused is no longer accessible for student use.
Project Grants
HPSC project grants are monetary awards that provide financial assistance to health professions student organizations or individual health professions students who seek to complete a service project. Eligible events/projects must be open to all health professions students and must be advertised to all schools.
Projects funded by project grants include, but are not limited to, health fairs, campus projects, service trips, and community service projects.
There is no set amount for each project grant. The amount granted is dependent upon the number of applicants and the availability of funds.
Grant applications are due at least a week prior to the monthly HPSC meeting (last Thursday of each month).
For more information visit Project Grant FAQs.
Travel Grants
HPSC travel awards are monetary awards intended to provide financial assistance to health professions students who represent UIC in a positive way at conferences, meetings, or by doing contributory work, including assisting in underserved areas or participating in away rotations.
Travel Grant applications are accepted four times a year with the following deadlines:
more info
For more details please see the Travel Grant FAQs. Applications can be found here.
Points to Remember:
- Deadlines are absolute and there are never exceptions.
- Please plan ahead. Application requires signature from advisor/PI of trip.
- Ensure applications are submitted in an easily openable format such as .doc, .docx, or .pdf.