Get Involved with SCB

Find out how you can get involved with SCB!

Additionally, students can explore opportunities in other COM Committees.

Along with the executive board, SCB has a number of liaisons and committee representatives. Course Liaisons are appointed as Committee Representatives, two students per course and two students per committee. Task Force Leaders and Project Leaders are appointed as required. All members are expected to attend the SCB Curricular Town Halls, which are held twice per semester.


M1/M2 Course Representatives – Serve as liaison between student body and course director and synthesize a formal review using synthesized student feedback.  Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Solicit student feedback regarding course content, organization, lectures, exams, etc.
  • Regularly meet with course director, sharing student feedback on an on-going basis
  • Write a formal summative report based on template to be presented at the Phase I Subcommittee, making sure to submit the report to the course director a minimum of two weeks in advance
  • Provide confidential, instructor-specific and lecture-specific feedback, both positive and negative, to the course director
  • Provide an update twice each semester to the Phase I Chair regarding discussions with course directors, issues and potential changes that come up in the course


Committee Representatives – Serve as student representatives on various curriculum committees. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Attend assigned monthly curricular committee meeting and voice student opinions and concerns
  • Provide an update twice each semester to the Curricular Progress and Phase I chairs regarding discussions had during committee meetings, including action items, upcoming agenda items, and areas where more student input is needed


Curricular Progress Team – Provide feedback and suggestions regarding the curricular transformation and all long-term curricular change, including LCME accreditation. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Attend regular monthly Curricular Progress team meetings
  • Participate in the organization and dissemination of focus groups, surveys, etc. as needed
  • Engage in literature reviews and environmental scans pertaining to topics of concern for students regarding large-scale curricular change


Special Projects Team – Envision, design, and implement various individualized projects related to curricular improvement following approval by the SCB Executive board. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

  • Attend monthly Special Project meetings
  • Provide regular updates to the Special Projects chair regarding any progress made


M3/M4 (Phase II/III) Team – Work with Phase II/III Chair to design and begin implementation of an organized student-based feedback system for the M3 and M4 years, meeting with Phase II/III team and chair as needed.

  • M3 Track Representatives – Serve as liaison between students in assigned clerkship track, the M4 clerkship representative, and the clerkship director. After each rotation, compose a rotation “SOAP” note that summarizes the subjective and objective feedback obtained from students as well as an overall assessment and plan for improvement
  • M4 Clerkship Representative – Work with each of the M3 track reps to compile all feedback specific to a given discipline (i.e., Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, etc.) and serve as liaison especially for more sensitive concerns to the clerkship director. At the end of the year, compose the annual clerkship evaluation report and present to the M3/M4 Subcommittee and/or Clerkship Director’s Meeting.

ALL Student Curricular Board (SCB) members are expected to attend SCB Orientation and the bimonthly Curricular Town Halls (total of 4-5 per year).

Any absences must be reported to the corresponding SCB chair or VP Curriculum, preferably prior to missing the meeting. For students on administrative and curricular committees, he or she is expected to contact the other student member assigned to the committee and notify them of their absence.  Absences will be recorded by the SCB Executive Board and the OCA administrative contact and deemed excused or unexcused

Excused absences are determined at the discretion of the SCB Executive Board and OCA; however, generally will include: out of state/country (ie, on an away rotation), mandatory school or clerkship activity (ie, taking an exam, attending orientation), death of family member, illness, unforeseen emergency, or other extenuating circumstances.

Minimum attendance for SCB members involves attending no less than ½ of SCB meetings for a given year in order to be a member in good standing at the end of the year. Failure to attend ½ of the meetings, whether excused or unexcused, will require review by SCB Executive Board and OCA to determine the member’s eligibility to continue in their position.

Members who are not in good standing may not be permitted to continue serving in their position in the future and will not be recommended to OSA to have their position included on their Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE, or Dean’s Letter) for residency applications.

Attendance at CMSC General Body Meetings and Dialogue with the Deans is also strongly encouraged, and SCB members are expected to attend a minimum of one meeting of each per year.

The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE), formerly referred to as the “Dean’s Letter,” is an evaluation of a medical student’s performance that describes his or her performance compared to peers, throughout all of medical school, and includes an assessment of academic performance, professional attributes, and noteworthy characteristics.

All SCB positions are eligible for formal recognition in the MSPE following determination of good standing by the SCB Executive Board, OCA, and the Associate Dean for Curriculum. Members must have been part of SCB for a minimum of two years and/or have made significant contributions to SCB and improving curriculum at UIC-COM, as determined by SCB executive board, OCA, OSA, as well as course directors and faculty.

Students involved with SCB deemed eligible for MSPE Recognition will be recommended by the SCB Executive Board to OSA for demonstrating exemplar student leadership as well as service and commitment to the student body. Following approval from OSA and OCA, participation in SCB will be recognized in the MSPE.