UIC Senators

The UIC Senate is a University-wide governing body composed of faculty and student representatives which address University-wide issues. Responsibilities include:

  • Attending all meetings of the full Senate and representing the COM as a voting member. Meetings occur approximately three times a semester on the UIC East Campus.
  • Participate in designated Senate Committee activities
  • Reporting the activities of the UIC Senate in a summary to the VP of Communications, within a week following full senate meetings
  • Fulfilling any other responsibilities as outlined by the UIC Senate Constitution and Bylaws

During the Spring term of M1 year, the plurality winner of the VP position of the Class Board will be awarded the UIC Senator position. The term will begin the first day of the Fall Semester of the M2 year through the Spring Semester of the M2 year. The plurality winner of the M3/M4 VP will then be awarded from the first day of Fall Semester of M3 year through the Spring Semester of M4 year.

To be eligible for the Senate position, students must be candidates for a degree at the University of Illinois at Chicago and must be registered in a course or courses for credit at the University during the semester in which the election is held. To be elected to the Senate, students must be qualified electors. They must be in good academic standing as defined by the department and college in which they are enrolled. If the VP of the class is not eligible for the Senator position, it will be awarded to the second Class VP. If neither VP are eligible, it will be at the discretion of each Class Board’s President to appoint a new one.


Current UIC Senators

M4 Senator: Shriya Gandhi

M3 Senator: Jon Hammarstedt

M2 Senator: Faisal Akram